Collection: Visionary Support & Investors

How Power Brooch Started

Hi my name is Adina and I am in Florida, USA. I started my journey with Power Brooch when I began learning about subtle body energy fields, quantum mechanics, epigenetics, sacred geometry, sound and color healing and the subconscious mind.

I then took that information and started to question the connections between them and things like crystals, colors, herbs and minerals, and saw how they all were mingling with one another in some way.

When I began to apply the things I was learning to my own life and in meditation, I started to see noticeable changes.

I may not be a doctor, physicists or educated scientist, but I am someone who is passionate about the things I do, otherwise I would not do them.

I truly believe in the power of body's energy and the effects subtle outside objects can have on the body, mind and soul. That our thoughts, beliefs and intentions weave the threads of our reality to create the life we have, whether wanted or not.

I want to do my part and hope to help others to find their special key that allows them to unlock their inner power and see change as well.

My Vision

My goal is to continue to experiment with these ideas and concepts by creating something that someone can wear, is pleasing to look at, as well as will be beneficial for the wearer to help change their overall energy and subconscious mind.

How You Can Help

Supporters & Investors are essential in helping me to purchase necessary supplies and tools in order to bringΒ my tiny but powerful creations to life.

You are the people who see the value in what I am doing and want to help me succeedΒ while following my passion.

Your support alsoΒ helps byΒ offsetting the cost of the time it takes to weave together each individual brooch.

This ultimately allows me to keep the purchase price of my brooches lower so those who may not be as fortunate can still reap the benefits of the power of a brooch.

Please consider helping me to continue this journey and create powerful little gems that can empower its owner.

6 products
  • Level 1 Visionary Supporter
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  • Level 2 Visionary Supporter
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  • Level 3 Visionary Supporter
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  • Level 4 Visionary Supporter
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  • Level 5 Visionary Investors
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  • Level 6 Visionary Investors
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